28 Dec'2017 20:19 GMT+5 | Bitcoin Crypto currency

BANGALORE, INDIA – This year 2017 has been a remarkable achievements for Bitcoin,  a digital crypto currency and payment method, believed to be a  zero cost of transaction, anytime anywhere without third party  intervene such as bank.

First time in the history of crypto currency pioneered by  Bitcoin touched $10,000 mark in second week of December this year and continued to climb another milestone and crossed  unprecedented  $19,000 mark in third week of December 2017.  Way back to 2014 Bitcoin index price (BPI) recorded 250USD  and reached 350 USD  by until 2015.

How this crypto currency progressed  leaps and bound? What technology drives  bitcoin ? Is it a legal tender of money? Is it regulated by any authority, any Govt,  any Country ?

Answer is simple here:  Bitcoin is deregulated and decentralized form of crypto currency , not legalized by majority of countries , maximum limit has set to 21 million , 14 million has been mined as of Continue reading


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Christmas celebrations marked by messages of peace for conflict-ridden world

December 25, 2017 | 10:40 hrs GMT

Millions of Christians across the globe are celebrating Catholic Christmas. Even in war-ravaged countries calm has briefly reigned over chaos, sending a message of peace for the entire world.

Catholics around the world watched Pope Francis lead late evening Christmas Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica in the heart of the Vatican. Addressing the faithful, Francis recalled how the birth of Jesus become a “source of hope” in the world. Reciting the story of Mary and Joseph, and Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, “where there was no place for them,” Francis drew parallels to the struggles of modern day refugees.

“So many other footsteps are hidden in the footsteps of Joseph and Mary,” the Pope said. “We see the tracks of entire families forced to set out in our own day. We see the tracks of millions of persons who do not choose to go away, but, driven from their land, leave behind their dear ones.”

News Source  : RT | Reuters image

‘Not enough even for a cup of coffee’: British troops in Afghanistan get £1 each to celebrate Christmas

Published time: 24 Dec, 2017 11:47 UTC | British Troops in Kabul

British troops deployed to Afghanistan were allocated a total of just £500 ($700) for Christmas, the Sunday times reported.  Some said the defense chiefs’ frugality left the troops lagging far behind their foreign counterparts as soldiers from the  American contingent reportedly received eight Christmas trees, decorations, turkeys, numerous gifts, and even a copy of the new Star Wars film.

The contrast between the American and British approach is staggering,” said a British officer stationed in Kabul. “As an army we don’t have as much money as the US, but even the Danish and Mongolians seem to be doing more,” he noted.

The tight Christmas budget has affected morale, one soldier told the newspaper: “They haven’t even sent us enough for a coffee. The Americans send in more money to feed the stray cats on their compound.”

Christmas festivities for troops from the Yorkshire Regiment have been limited to sneaking out and swapping the stars on the American trees for Yorkshire flags, the paper said. The ministry of defense said arrangements for Christmas festivities“are made locally,” it added.

While cash-strapped, the troops did not feel completely forgotten. “It has been staggering to see the number of parcels that have arrived for us from friends and family,” said the officer. In addition, Christmas lunch was still served on Friday, complimented by snow, which fell last week in Kabul, Afghanistan.

News Source: RT | Image AP


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 December 18, 2017 | 16:47 UTC

This year bitcoin has achieved new milestone, The cryptocurrency’s price largely continued its upward trajectory since first week of December this year in 2017, firstly its crossed $10000 mark in second week and then in third week, culminating with the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index’s all-time high of $19,783.21 on Dec. 17.

But in a refrain of the moves seen after many of the all-time highs this year, that close encounter with $20,000 was followed just days later by a 30% drop that shaved billions of dollars off of the total cryptocurrency market capitalization. It was one of the biggest market corrections seen to date, sending bitcoin’s price tumbling below $11,000.

Over the coming days, the price of bitcoin would recover, climbing back beyond $16,000 and higher on other cryptocurrency exchanges worldwide. Yet as shown in the most recent graphs and price data, bitcoin’s value has begun falling, dropping to the mid-$13k’s on Dec. 28 after opening the day above $15,000.

Indeed, the moves of the past few months raise the same old question: where does bitcoin’s price go from here? If 2017 is any indication, all bets are truly off.

News Source Coindesk | Image via PIXABAY


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Iraq | Syria Border

Australia ends anti-ISIS strikes in Iraq & Syria, pulls fighter jets but vows to continue ‘support’

The Royal Australian Air Force is withdrawing its jets from anti-terrorist missions in Iraq and Syria, shifting its focus to “support” and provide “counter-terrorism services” to the Iraqi Security Forces.

Iraq formally declared its fight against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) over on December 9 after three years of heavy combat. Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the withdrawal of the Russian Air Force from Syria two days later. Having carried out its first combat mission against IS in Iraq in September 2014, Australia is now recalling most of its airpower from the region, after having faithfully served the US-led Coalition.

The Australian government has determined we will bring home our six Super Hornet strike aircraft from the Middle East, marking the end of Australia’s air strike operations in Iraq and Syria,” Defence Minister Marise Payne announced Friday.“We can be immensely proud of the contribution our Hornet crews have made to the fight against Daesh. There’s no doubt our air strike operations have made a difference.”

At the height of its deployment against IS, the Australian task force, operating out of United Arab Emirates, consisted of eight F/A18 Super Hornet jets, one E-7A Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft, one KC-30A multi-role aerial tanker and other transport aircraft.

Canberra also sent some 400 Air Force personnel to support air deployment and 200 military officers, including a Special Forces team, to operate as “military advisers” to Kurdish Peshmerga self-defense fighters and other forces fighting the jihadists.

At the time of Friday’s announcement, Australia’s airpower in the region had shrunk to six F/A-18 fighter jets, an E-7A Wedgetail surveillance plane and a KC-30A refueling aircraft, SBS News reports. In 2017, Australian jets completed 702 sorties, according to the Department of Defense.

While most of the country’s strike arsenal will return home, Australian support aircraft, the Wedgetail and the refueling plane, will continue to back coalition operations. Special service personnel will also continue to operate in the region. Presently, some 300 Australian and New Zealand troops are running Task Group Taji (TG Taji) out of a military compound northwest of Baghdad. Its primary task consists of training and building the capacity of the regular Iraqi forces.

“They will continue to support the Iraqi Security Forces and counter-terrorism service in their work to ensure that Daesh is precluded from taking any further hold,” Payne said. “If they (Islamic State) can find a way to continue to cause havoc, they will.”

News Source : RT | AFP Image

Putin holds annual Press in Moscow, end-of-year Q&A

December 14′ 2017 11:00 hrs UTC | Annual Press Meeting 2017 | Live Q/A Session

President Vladimir Putin has held his annual end-of-year press conference, where he discussed a range of domestic and foreign policy issues, including relations with the US, the situation in Syria and the upcoming Russian presidential elections.
  • 14 December 2017

    12:49 GMT

    At just under the four-hour mark, it’s announced that Putin is scheduled to meet ‘Heroes of Russia’ at the Kremlin at 4pm, so proceedings must be brought to a close.

    Putin closes by wishing everyone all the best for the new year and holiday season, and thanks the media for their work.

  • 12:46 GMT

    A question comes from Kazakhstan about cooperation with Russia.

    Putin notes digital technology cooperation is as important as other areas such as energy.

  • 12:45 GMT

    We’re now well over three and a half hours in, and some participants appear to lack the president’s stamina…

    • 12:40 GMT

      A participant from the Far Eastern city of Vladivostok asks Putin about the development of the region, including the distribution of free land.

      Putin laments the abuse of the scheme by some, but says things are being “put in order” in the Far East regarding criminality in general. He also promises to look into the situation with a local sports center – showing a typical attention to detail.

    • 12:35 GMT

      Putin asks for another question on children.

      A journalist from Grozny thanks Putin for his help in rescuing children who have been taken to conflict zones.

      “Should children and mothers be given the chance to return to normal?” the journalist asks.

      “[Chechen leader] Ramzan Kadyrov has taken the right approach in this respect,” Putin says. “These children and women should be welcomed back.”

      12:30 GMT

      The next question is about abortion in Russia. “Is the government willing to help the pro-life movement?” Putin is asked.

      “I’m grateful for you to ask about this, it’s important,” Putin says. “I’ll repeat what I said at a recent meeting. As far as abortions, in most modern countries today, it is up to the woman to make this decision.

      “If there was a total ban, we’d eventually have a criminal trade in this – women would go abroad, there would be illegal abortions… it does immense damage to women’s health, so we have to be careful.

      “We are willing to support pregnant women, of course,” Putin adds.

      The president then lists new plans for benefits for families with children and maternity benefits.

      News Source: RT | Sputnik Image

Vladimir Putin says “yes” to run for re-election in 2018

December 14′ 2017  10:07 hrs UTC | Russia Presidential Election 2018

Russian president Vladimir Putin has said that he plans to run for another term as an independent candidate, Putin told in a major annual press conference in Moscow on Thursday, answering a reporter’s question about his particular plans for the presidential campaign.

One of the reporters who attended the press conference was glossy-magazine editor and TV journalist Ksenia Sobchak. She asked Putin if the authorities were afraid of the honest competition. She also mentioned anti-corruption blogger Aleksey Navalny, who has repeatedly declared that he would take part in the presidential race, despite having an unserved criminal sentence which, according to Russian law, bars him from running.

The question is not whether someone is mature enough for something or not. The opposition must come forward with a clear and understandable program of positive actions,” Putin answered.

News Source: RT International


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Tartus, Syria

Russian lower house ratifies deal to expand naval base in Syria’s Tartus

Russian lawmakers approved an agreement to expand the Tartus naval refueling facility in Syria into a fully-fledged naval base capable of harboring nuclear-powered ships, following the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria.

The deal was submitted to the lower house of the Russian parliament – the Duma – by the president on December 13.

The agreement will be in force for 49 years, granting the Russian Navy access to territorial waters and various ports of the Syrian Arab Republic. The territory of the facility can be expanded up to 24 hectares, according to Russian Deputy Defense Minister Nikolay Pankov, and the base will be able to accept up to 11 ships at once, including nuclear-powered vessels.

Vladimir Putin arrived for a surprise visit to Khmeimim Airbase in Syria on December 11 and ordered the withdrawal of a “significant part” of the Russian military contingent after a two-yeNewsanti-terrorist operation.

Russia will continue to use Khmeimim Airbase and will retain its Reconciliation Center for Syria. Moscow sent its military contingent to warn-torn Syria in 2015 after Damascus asked for help in the fight against extremist forces, which were trying to overthrow the government.

News Source :RT


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Moscow, Russia

‘Yes, I will’: Vladimir Putin announces run for re-election in 2018

December 6, 2017 Moscow | 14:32 UTC

Vladimir Putin has confirmed that he will seek another term in office in next year’s presidential election.

“Yes, I will run as a candidate for the Russian presidency,” Putin said. He was meeting with workers at the country’s historic manufacturer, GAZ (Gorkovsky Avtomobilny Zavod), in Russia’s Nizhny Novgorod on Wednesday.

Our country is its people, people like you,” the Russian leader said, addressing workers and veterans of the plant. “It’s workers, scientists, engineers, designers, teachers and doctors,” Putin said, adding that with the “active involvement” of its people, Russia “can deal with any, even the most complex challenges it faces.”

Russia will go only forward and no one will ever stop it,” he added.

Earlier in the day, the president attended the Russian Volunteer 2017 award ceremony in Moscow, where he asked the audience whether they would support his decision to run. The answer was seemingly a unanimous “Yes.”

When I make [the decision], I will certainly keep in mind our conversation today and your reaction,” Putin said. He added that “the motive behind [this very responsible decision] can be only the desire to make people’s lives in our country better and make the country itself more powerful and protected.”

The upcoming election on March 18 will be the fourth in Putin’s political career. He held the office of president for two terms from 2000 to 2008, and served as prime minister from 2008 to 2012. Putin then won a third term as president in 2012.

News Source : RT International